Latest Parish News
- A major project to provide water supply, WC and servery facilities to St Faith’s Church is underway. Please see the St Faith’s Church page (under Shellingford Facilities) for details of the Statement of Significance already submitted to the Diocese of Oxford.
- The next Parish Meeting is scheduled be held at 7.30 pm on Monday 11 November 2024 in the Community Hall.
- Our Traffic Calming Subcommittee needs volunteers to help with Speed Watch. Please see their poster in Parish Topics.
Shellingford is a picturesque Oxfordshire village situated in the Vale of the White Horse. The village has over forty houses, three thriving farms, accommodation at Goodlake Barns on Church Street, a popular primary school with combined use village hall, two excellent day care facilities and an historic Church, St.Faith’s.
We pride ourselves on our commitment to looking after each other, old and young and maintaining our glorious heritage along with views over vale and downland. Welcome to our village website.
Enjoy spectacular views whilst walking around the village. Please shut gates and be aware of farm animals before wandering through any fields. Cows can be very protective of their young.